What commands you can use in Slack

Learn about the commands you can use in Slack.

Written by AndreiLast update 8 months ago

After you set up your Slack integration you can take advantage of it by using these useful commands:

Integration settings: 

  • Type /paymo setup to start the linking process between your Slack and Paymo accounts. 

  •  Type /paymo me to display information about the current user, manage notifications status, or remove the link between your Slack and Paymo accounts.

  •   Type /paymo channel to display information about the current channel or link/unlink it from a Paymo project. The link created for each project by using /paymo channel ā†’ Link will save you time when uploading files or creating tasks directly to the project without the need to select a project. 

Task related commands: 

  •  Type /paymo add task name
    Then, click on Add Details to populate the task with details. Add a task description, assign it to a task list, set start and end dates, assign users (only those assigned to the project are available), a task status, and priority.

  •  Type /paymo recent 3

  •  Type /paymo search keyword to search for tasks by keyword. The minimum keyword length is 3 characters. The search will apply only to task names and descriptions.

 Timer related commands: 

  • Type /paymo timer to show if there is a running timer.

  •  Type /paymo stop to stop a running timer.

  •  Type /paymo start to start tracking time for a task.

  •  Type /paymo resume to start tracking time for the last task you've worked on.

Slack Actions
You can use regular Slack messages and turn them into tasks, task comments, or files to a project. Just hover over the message ā†’ click the "..." ā†’ select the desired action.

Slack Notifications

You will receive Paymo updates in Slack in the Apps area ā†’ Paymo:

The notifications that are displayed in Slack are the ones displayed in the Paymo in-app notifications

To get enriched notifications, click on the Show task button.

Here, you can click on Start Timer or Edit Task to run the timer or edit the full task details directly in Slack.

Files at a project and task level will show up together with their external link. In the case of an attached image, their thumbnail will be displayed as well.

If someone comments on a task in Paymo, click on the Reply button to reply to it directly from Slack.

Warnings about failed payments will be sent out as well if your account is locked and you wish to do an action like creating a task by using Slack.

Link channels with Paymo projects

You can also link Slack channels with projects by going to the desired Slack channel and typing /paymo channel. And if there isn't a project linked yet with that channel, you can easily link it by clicking on Link project button

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