How can I monitor time?
Learn how to monitor time in Paymo.
Apart from the Timesheet Views that we’ve already covered, the Timesheet Settings (gear icon) give you complete control over how you see your data.

Under Timeline Scale, you can choose between:
Comfortable timeline
Compact timeline which zooms it out by reducing the size (height) of the hourly intervals displayed on the left - same goes for time entries - so you can fit more hours into your screen

Who came first - the project or the task? We let you decide whether to display the project or task name in a time entry first from Time Entry Layout.


The Day/Week Views also include two different monitoring formats:
Unfolded - displays time entries as a vertical timeline

Folded - compresses the empty slots between time entries for a compact view of the entire timesheet

NOTE: You can't add time entries through a drag-and-drop action in the folded view, since it's only designed for monitoring.
But you need to have added time in the first place in order to monitor it. So read these articles on how to add time:
Via desktop widget
Via automatic time tracker (Paymo Plus)
Via mobile apps
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