How can I add time manually?
Learn how to add time manually to tasks.

Under the Timesheets module (sidebar menu), there are several ways to manually add time:
To add a time entry as an interval or duration → click on the Add Time button. The process is user-centric, hence simple to follow.
First, select the desired user followed by the appropriate projects and tasks assigned to them (left panel). Then add time as either interval or duration, together with any notes for yourself or the client (right panel).

To add time in bulk for a user → click on the Add Bulk Time button.
First, select the user together with the project and tasks you want to register time against (left panel). Then toggle over the desired week and add the time for each task (right panel).

For a quick way to add time, click and drag in the Day and Week view for the desired time interval and create a new entry.

NOTE: You can also customize the time increments as you drag on the timeline.
To do so, click on Timesheet Settings (gear icon) → Snap Interval → Choose between 5/10/15/30 minute increments.

Timesheet Views
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