How do project and task IDs work?

Learn how to set up task and project IDs and how they work

Written by AndreiLast update 2 years ago

When creating or editing a project if you don't specify a project ID, one will be created automatically based on the first letters of the project name.

For example: a project with the name "Amazon Store" will be AS. If I add another project named "Apple Store", the project ID will be AS-1.

Otherwise, you can change it whenever you want by going to project settings (the gear icon on top of the project) Project ID and set or edit it from there.

When creating a task, you'll notice that a task ID will be created automatically based on the project ID. Hence the only way to change a task ID is to change the project ID.

NOTE: When moving the task to a different project, the task ID will be changed based on the new project ID. Task IDs are incremental and unique for that project.

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