How do I create an invoice?
Learn how to create invoices in Paymo.
To generate a new invoice, you need to go to Accounting → Invoices → Add invoice. You can add items manually to the invoice by inserting new rows or by clicking on the Add outstanding time/costs and selecting from the dropdown:
Timesheet – creates an invoice based on tracked time
Expenses – Add expenses to the invoice, but make sure they have the same currency as the invoices.
Projects – creates an invoice based on flat-rate projects
Tasks – creates an invoice based on flat-rate tasks
Retainer Periods - creates an invoice for the retainer periods available for that client

NOTE: You can find more information on how retainers work here: How to create and use retainer projects
NOTE: If you choose the Add from Timesheet option, you'll have the opportunity to attach a time report to the invoice. This allows you to provide additional information regarding the specific tasks or activities you've been working on.

You can also create an invoice by going to Projects → Select a project → Overview → Click on Invoice Unbilled AR.

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