How do I create a Gantt Chart?
Learn how to create a Gantt Chart.
You can start creating a Gantt Chart by writing down all the tasks of a project. You can do this in either List, Table, or Gantt Chart View.
TIP: If you plan to manage a project using the Gantt Chart, it’s good practice to keep the number of tasks under 50, or else it will be much harder to manage.
Next, re-order them by the approximate starting date (no need to enter the end and start date yet), this will help you keep the Gantt Chart more organized. For example, if you have a design project, the approximate order of tasks would be the following:

Continue with assigning people to the tasks → Switch to Gantt Chart view. Tasks that have a start and end date will be automatically projected on the timeline. You can still click & drag on the timeline to draw task durations. At this point, the Gantt will look like in the image below:

TIP: We’ve used the “Fit” option that will automatically switch between “Days”, “Weeks”, “Months” or “Years” view in order to display the entire project schedule on one screen.
Now, there’s only one thing left to do: create dependencies between tasks. You can learn more about each dependency type in this article:
The elements of the Gantt Chart

The Gantt Chart is now complete. The next step is to monitor progress and adjust the schedule.
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